상담게시판 | 수술후기 | 언론기사
닉네임 Angelo
희망부위 wrinkle
상담제목 Mid face Lifting
등록일자 2019-10-28 오전 10:04:31
내용 Hello, this year i'm going to south korea and i'll do zygoma reduction at The Face Dental, but they recommend me that i need to wait to do the midface lifting surgery, so i'm trying to find information about prices because i don't know if is better to do in my country or in south korea, i have saggy skin on the cheeks area and if i do cheekbones reduction the saggy skin will be worse, so i want denfinetly to do the mid face lifting, can you please tell me the prices of this surgery?

Thank you so much.

Thank you for your inquiry!
We will reply to you by e-mail soon.

도움이 되셨기 바랍니다. 즐거운 하루 되세요...^^
압구정 서울성형외과
서울특별시 강남구 신사동 582-9 번지 2층
상호명 : 압구정서울성형외과 | 대표 : 이민구
사업자 등록번호 : 211-09-45162 | TEL : 02-547-5100
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