닉네임 yee tin
희망부위 misko
상담제목 surgery
등록일자 2011-09-19 오후 7:25:54
내용 hi asps ! ,

Im interested of having a nose surgery and filler injection here. can i know how much it cost
? i will be going to seoul in nov/dec , i might be getting double eyelid
revision in other clinic . is it possible if i want to do my nose here right
after eye surgery ? what do u suggest ? can make appointment for consultation here
before i go ? .... hope u hear from u soon..

Thanks for your inquiry.
We will reply by e-mail soon.

도움이 되셨기 바랍니다. 즐거운 하루 되세요...^^
압구정 서울성형외과

서울특별시 강남구 논현로 840(신사동 598번지)압구정서울성형외과의원
사업자번호:211-09-45162 대표자: 이민구 ⓒSeoulps