닉네임 j
희망부위 nose
상담제목 Nose
등록일자 2016-11-05 오후 4:33:33
내용 Hi,

I have a deviated septum and a hawk nose. I do not like my side profile because of this. I am half Chinese and half Caucasian want a smaller, more delicate Asian inspired nose.

Could you let me know the basic procedure/method you think is most suited for me and the estimated cost?

I have attached photos for your reference.

I have not had plastic surgery before plan to stay for 2 weeks to have this done.

Thank you.

Thank you for e-mailing us.

First of all, we have to say sorry because we couldn't get your pictures.
However, with your contents, we could recommend these surgery.

For the humped nose, nose bridge would be protruded and the nose tips would be droopy.
In this case, we will trim that protruded part and will make your nose tips higher with your septal cartilage.
To do this surgery, we will open your nose.

If you want to make your nose bridge higher as well, we can put the implant which is called silicon.
If you don't want, you don't need to.

After 7 days of the surgery, we will do the stitch out.

The cost will be 4,000,000~6,000,000 WON but it can be adjusted depends on your nose type.
If you want to do the surgery in Korea, it's better to stay at least 1 week.

Finally, if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us anytime.
Thank you,

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