닉네임 Danny
희망부위 etc
상담제목 Solutions and Average Price
등록일자 2012-12-19 오후 6:42:15
내용 Hi there. I am currently suffering from acne scars on both of my cheeks. Indeed, I have tried many products or creams but nothing really works for me. So, may I ask is there any best option or solution to solve this problem.

And, my eyes are not symmetrical. My left eye tends to be always smaller than my right eye. As for my nose, it is considered wide alar base. So, basically what are the types of surgeries should be taken in these cases.

Also, may I know what are the average or approximate prices for these surgeries (nose, eyes and face) so that at least I have a guideline for the cost planning and cost control. In addition, may I know the price for the face jaw surgery as well? Thank you.


Thanks for your inquiry.
We will reply to you by e-mail soon.

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