희망부위 face
상담제목 contour face surgery
등록일자 2017-12-18 오전 8:09:51
내용 Good morning, I am writing to you because I am thinking about making a trip to korea and I would like to have a facial surgery since I have a square face, I was investigating and I found in a page '' misoda website '' the facial contouring promotion which are surgeries zygoma surgery, square jaw reduction, and v line surgery, I send my photos so that they also observe my square face and if it would be suitable for my face, since I am looking for a smaller and thinner face, finally I would like them to give me all the information about facial contour surgery, the prices of the operation and the prices concerning the post or pre operative.

Hello,thanks for your e-mail.
The original price is 7,500,000KRW.
If you apply the promotion in "Misoda website",
they will give more reasonable price.
The promotion includes zygoma surgery+square jaw reduction+v line surgery(the front jaw),these three things. If you send us your front,45angle,90angle photo we can give you more specific diagnosis. If you have any questions please let us know. Thanks:D

도움이 되셨기 바랍니다. 즐거운 하루 되세요...^^
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